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        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] [Expression]
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /CHOICE Value_1 ... Value_n
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /FILE Filter
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /FORMAT format_string
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /FORMULA
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /INDEX Value_1 ... Value_n
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /LOWER
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /NEW Type [Attr]
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /PROMPT "Explanatory text"
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /RANGE Min Max
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] OldVariable /REPLACE
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Value_1 ... Value_n /RESIZE
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /SEXAGESIMAL
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Val1 ... ValN /RESIZE
        [SIC\]LET Variable /STATUS Read|Write
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /UPPER
        [SIC\]LET Variable [=] Expression /WHERE Condition_mask

    Assign a value to a variable. The variable must already be defined  (see
    HELP  DEFINE)  unless the /NEW option is present. Logical expression re-
    sults cannot be assigned to non logical variables, and vice  versa.  All
    numerical expression evaluations are done in double precision, and auto-
    matically converted to the type of (numerical) variable assigned.

    The equal sign may be always omitted EXCEPT when using Free Syntax  (see
    HELP LET Free_Syntax).

    If  no  value is assigned to the Variable, the user will be prompted for
    the variable value. The Prompt text can be defined with the /PROMPT  Op-


    Operations  are  vectorial,  i.e.  a  full array is computed at the same
    time. The variable name can define a subset of an known array, such as:
        DEFINE REAL A[4,5,6] B[4]
        LET A[,,3]  = 1.0  ! or equivalently  LET A[3] = 1.0
        LET A[,2,2] = B    ! or equivalently  LET A[2,2] = B
    These commands assign the value 1.0 to A[i,j,3], with i running  from  1
    to 4 and j from 1 to 5, and B[k] to A[k,2,2] for k from 1 to 4.  Implic-
    it transposition is now allowed,  though  still  somewhat  experimental:
    both  A[,2,3] and A[2,,3] are valid. A range of indexes can be specified
    rather than one index: for the above example A[3:5] is a valid 4x5x3 ar-
    ray, A[2:4,,] is a 3x5x6 array.


    In addition to vector computing, it is possible to assign an array using
    "implicit loops", i.e. functions of the array indices such as
        DEFINE REAL A[4,5]
        LET A[I,J] = (I-J)**2
    Implicit loops cannot be mixed with variable index values.


    Vector assignment can be done only where a specified logical  array  (or
    logical array expression) is true, using the /WHERE option. See HELP LET


Gildas manager 2024-04-19